May 29, 2005 A.D. The Effects of the ResurrectionAs we continue our study through the epistle of first Peter Pastor: Landis will help unfold some of the wonderful truths about the “effects of the resurrection” that God has made available for us to see in His Holy Word. Rejoice in hope with us as we …
Category: Weekly Sermons
Living Life As A Work Of God
May 22, 2005 A.D. Living Life As A Work Of GodStraight Gate Ministries PO Box 10123 St. Louis, MO 63145-9998 As we continue our study in the epistle of first Peter, Pastor: Landis explains some important facts about how Christians should live in the light of the word God is teaching with respect to His …
Earth Aliens
May 15, 2005 A.D. Earth Aliens As we prepare to open a new book study in the marvelous epistle of 1st Peter, Pastor Landis offers this brief introduction of the letter and gives explanation of a most unique view of a Christian as an “Earth Alien”. Hope you are curious! Listen and learn. Old Testament …
A Tribute To Motherhood
May 8, 2005 A.D. A Tribute To MotherhoodIn this special message, Pastor: Landis highlights a few thoughts from the Word that magnify the power and beauty of motherhood and it’s impact on the world, especially the kingdom of God and the children thereof. Listen and perhaps learn more reasons to honor your mother in the …
James Highlights and Summaries
May 1, 2005 A.D. James Highlights and SummariesOn last Lord’s Day, Pastor: Landis attempted to conclude his study through the epistle of James and had several items that he believes should not be left out that were not able to be included with in the time allowed. Therefore, listen in today for a few concluding …
Prayer Praise Participation
April 24, 2005 A.D. Prayer Praise ParticipationAs we wrap up our study through the epistle of James, Pastor Landis is teaching a few final pointers from the final verses to solidify previous teachings from this excellent portion of Scripture that we must all learn to apply that will assure our spiritual progress. Listen in and …
Adorning The Realities Of Salvation
April 10, 2005 A.D. Adorning The Realities Of SalvationThe epistle of James contains much practical teaching on what true salvation looks like and gives instructions on how we can walk in the realities of true saving faith. In this lesson, Pastor: Landis shares from the Word and his heart some very helpful teaching on the …
The Magnitude of Spiritual Instruction
April 3, 2005 A.D. The Magnitude of Spiritual InstructionJust how important is the spiritual teaching that we receive? Is it a good idea to just hope that it really won’t matter how, what or even if, we learn spiritual things at all? Does God have a higher standard for the teacher than for the disciple? …
Mission Accomplished
March 27, 2005 A.D. Mission AccomplishedThere is perhaps no greater feeling than that one we have when we have completed a difficult task successfully. Listen and be gratified as Pastor: Landis tells the story of the completion of the greatest victory in the history of the ages, the Mission Accomplished by the Christ, our …
The Work Of Faith
March 20, 2005 A.D. The Work Of FaithIn there a conflict in between the teachings of James and the Apostle Paul? Is salvation by grace alone,by works alone, or by faith plus works? Listen to this message as Pastor Landis takes us on a journey through the Scriptures to give as answer to these often …