Living in an increasingly more troublous world, we have to develop mechanisms which have been provided to us through our faith in Jesus Christ and learn to listen and heed to the voice of the Holy Spirit, Who alone can equip all who trust in Jesus to not only cope with the roller-coaster of …
Tag: Messiah
Stewardship And The Gospel Of Jesus Christ
When we consider that God the Son was sent into this world in order to “Taste death for everyone” so that all who believe in Him, and trust in His finished work alone, can have a foretaste of glory from that moment forward; what should believers think about the management / stewardship of their temporal …
Unmitigated Autonomy The Central Drive Of The Fallen Soul What has changed in our culture that has caused so much strife and turmoil which is on the rise from day to day? It seems like there is no limit to disagreement and that there is an overall trend away from godliness and truth heading into a culture of complete lawlessness. I believe it can …
The Practical Simplicity Of The Bible Which Is The Word Of God It is time for the Church to get back to the basics! Our world has over-complicated the very simple message and intention of God for all people through the natural processes of the fallen nature of mankind which we all have inherited from Adam. However, God through His perfect Word, is calling for all …
Defining Characteristics Of The Elect Only the chosen by God will believe the clear Gospel of Jesus Christ, which has been given without regard to the political climate nor of the direction of the world, because it is the calling of God Himself which brings about the manifestation of the believer. It is indeed God Who is “Defining The …
Calm Up Old Testament Scripture Reading: Hosea 3:1 – 5 (KJV) Hos 3:1 Then said the LORD unto me, Go yet, love a woman beloved of her friend, yet an adulteress, according to the love of the LORD toward the children of Israel, who look to other gods, and love flagons of wine. Hos 3:2 …
Behoovement Of The Processes Of God The Spirit As we have been blessed to have entered into this New Year 2021A.D., let us make preparation to press on into this year more deeply with more assistance from God The Holy Spirit! let us look forward into a new year understanding that since God has allowed us to continue on thus far, He …
45: Manifesting The Behoovement Of Spiritual Improvement Bible Study
Saint Timothy Christian Church is located at… As we depart from the year 2020A.D. in which we all experienced the most challenging turmoil ever seen by most, let it not be said that we have not learned anything from such a time as this; but rather let us look forward into a new …
Manifesting The Behoovement Of Spiritual Improvement As we depart from the year 2020A.D. in which we all experienced the most challenging turmoil ever seen by most, let it not be said that we have not learned anything from such a time as this; but rather let us look forward into a new year understanding that since God has allowed us …
Unwrapping The Perfect Gift As we approach Christmas 2020A.D. let us make preparation to celebrate the greatest gift of all, the manifestation of God’s Only Begotten Son, JESUS the Messiah! Let us receive and adore HIM! Let us rejoice in HIM! Let us continually learn the joys of “Unwrapping The Perfect Gift” Old Testament Scripture Reading: Isaiah 40:13 …