Tag: America

Looking Forward

https://share.icloud.com/photos/0mQQ10ZyIn8NmBFtxhe56T5wg https://www.facebook.com/1204750098/videos/519288269147042/ The last week’s message taught us about the constant presence of God and His love toward all mankind, for the allowance of opportunity to be saved from our sins and to acknowledge the constant love of God for us! Therefore, it is a great idea to learn from this underlying message and to …

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Proclaiming Christ Jesus Messiah

  The USA has been the most blessed nation of all time, but in recent years has slowly abandoned God and His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, Who ALONE is worthy of all praise and glory; and is the KING of kings! A cursory view of the Old Testament reveals that all of these events …

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Taking It Personally

https://www.facebook.com/teachingbible/videos/10225901204735815 As we are going through taxing situations pressing our way through one of the most challenging times in the history of the world in many ways, there is a tendency to allow ourselves to become bitter rather than better!  We are bombarded with so many cliché type scenarios that many of us are living …

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Unmitigated Autonomy The Central Drive Of The Fallen Soul

https://www.facebook.com/teachingbible/videos/10225698267822519 What has changed in our culture that has caused so much strife and turmoil which is on the rise from day to day? It seems like there is no limit to disagreement and that there is an overall trend away from godliness and truth heading into a culture of complete lawlessness. I believe it can …

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The Sacrifices Of Thanksgiving And Praise

https://www.facebook.com/teachingbible/videos/10225089913854050 Greetings In Christ Jesus! As we begin, let me give some connecting background for our message today that I pray will bless us as we prepare for the upcoming season we are seemingly fast approaching, that is often rushed through or even neglected nearly completely! Old Testament Scripture Reading: Psalms 116:1 -19 (KJV)

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Merciful Marvelous Glorious Work Jesus Came To Do

Greetings In Christ Jesus! I have learned that one of the very best things that ever happened to improve my state of mind about the way things are in the world was reading the Bible for myself for many reasons, which have changed my life greatly for the better. It is easy to have a …

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