We Support

  • Free Gospel Tracts
    The Gospel Tract is a free resource offering at absolutely no cost, small printable, biblical explainations of what a person must believe in order to have a right relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ. Click on their link to download free tracts that we know will enhance your ability to share the Gospel and also offer a good idea format that you or your church may model as you do the gracious work of sharing Jesus Christ with others!Feel free to bless them also with a donation of support should you be led of the Holy Spirit to do so!

    Website: http://www.thegospeltract.com


  • Friends of Jesus
    Christian Music – Gospel Rock – Contemporary – Standards with an Edge – Covers – Originals – Evangelism – Concerts, Conferences, Fundraisers, Special Events.There are many other Friends of Jesus who have ministered with us, are part of our ministry network, and are too numerous to mention; on stage and behind the scenes, whether they be singers, players, sidemen, soundmen, promoters, sponsors, or prayer warriors! Thanks, and praise be to God! 1 Corinthians 15:58.

    Website: http://friendsofjesus.us


  • Through The Bible with Les Feldick
    Les Feldick has been teaching home-style Bible classes for over 30 years. His teaching is non-denominational, and his students come from diverse denominations and backgrounds. It was through one of these classes that a student helped open the door for his “Through the Bible” television program. Les starts his classes in Genesis 1:1 and works all the way through the Bible. This study takes 2 – 2 1/2 years to complete. Many of his resources are posted on his site:

    Website: http://www.lesfeldick.org/


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