Introduction: God has sent His Son Jesus to redeem all who believe in Christ from all their sins in order that they who believe can be free from the penalty of sin, and also for all believers to also come to learn the way to live better by “Accelerating In The Higher …
Tag: Spiritual Power
Fix Your Eyes On Jesus
Fix your eyes on Jesus all the time as you go through everything in this life! God’s love for us is greater than all the trouble we have to endure in this life! Php 1:3 I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, Php 1:4 Always in every prayer of mine for …
A City Set Upon A Hill The mindset of the faithful has always been one of looking in the direction God has set according to His plan, which has always directed the believer to trust the heavenly things of God over anything or anyone else on Earth. The book of Hebrews reflects this fact. Notice that beginning with the first …
Appropriating Your Spiritual Education
Some of the titles of our recent messages are in many ways connected in theme so that they can assist us in the assimilation of a greater overall theme. This is the same theme that we began with at the opening of this roller-coaster year known as 2020A.D. That original theme for the …
Spiritual Education
Education is a principle part of human existence and needs to be understood in a manner that is consistent with the teachings of the Holy Scriptures, which have outlined the views of God on this topic as it has with many other categories of this life. Today’s lesson will outline for us how to receive …
Blessed To Be Repossessed
Because of our fallen state as being sinners from the womb, sometimes we can understand negative things better than positive things because in reality, we are more closely aware of the negative, the bad, the evil, the warped, the twisted, and the ugly things than we are of the better things in life, which even …
Expressions Of The Blood Of Jesus
As human beings we have various ways of getting our point across to others. Especially when we are passionate about a particular subject we want to convey to others. We use many vehicles of speech such as idioms, hyperbole, paradox, metaphor, parable, and on and on. These literary devices add expression and weight to what …
Understanding The Flesh And The Spirit Session_2
New Testament Scripture Readings 2 Corinthians 10:1 – 5 (KJV) 2Co 10:1 Now I Paul myself beseech you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ, who in presence am base among you, but being absent am bold toward you: 2Co 10:2 But I beseech you, that I may not be bold when I am …
Starting A Better Year With God
Now that we are just about to close out 2018 A.D. and we’re looking forward to 2019A.D. is there anything that we can do to improve on our status with God, through His Only Begotten Son, Jesus? As we consider the events of this year, is there anything that we did or didn’t do that …
Christmas Manifestation of the Escalation of Humanity From Dust to Glory
As we prepare for the celebration of “Christmas” what does the Bible God’s perfect Word say about some of the deeper and more profound things that we should be thinking about during this most joyous season? Is it possible that we would be more grateful about “who” Christmas has made us who believe in Christ …