Transforming Power Statements:
1) All the things that we see in the material world and even the things we cannot see in the invisible, physical world and also the things that exist in the spiritual world, exist because of the spoken word (decree) of the Most High God, Creator of all things; and provide us a witness of the power of speaking with faith.
2) As we exist as members of God’s successful family, we must learn to allow out speech to reflect our acquired faith, (the result of our discipleship, ) to regulate the words we say about everything we are dealing with in this life, and therefore, we must speak the victory God has stated for us and not the things the world, the flesh and the devil assert against us in order to disturb our peace in Christ Jesus.
3) Since God has spoken in the text to “Ladies first” let us break the ice with the things God has said to “Wives” who are commanded to submit themselves to their “Own Husbands” as unto the Lord, keeping in mind that these commands are only for the ones who have ears to hear what the Spirit saith to the churches, no one else.