March 12, 2006 A.D. Exploring the Reality of True Love What is the proper biblical understanding of love? Should it be equated with the world’s view of love? Or is it radically different? Is there any connection between love and truth? Listen in as Pastor Landis digs in to these as well as a few …
Applying God’s Test For Truth II
March 5, 2006 A.D. Applying God’s Test For Truth II What is the means by which a Christian comes to understand anything about God? Is there a problem if others within the church have a differing view of what the word teaches and if so, how might one resolve disagreements? Is it right to act …
Applying God’s Test For Truth
February 26, 2006 A.D. Applying God’s Test For Truth Can anyone ever be sure about whether certain teachings are true, or even false? Is there a way one can determine if a teacher is true or false? If there is such a thing as a “true teacher” what determines if this is so? Is there …
Spiritual Assurance
February 19, 2006 A.D. Spiritual Assurance Can anyone ever be sure about their salvation? Suppose I feel unworthy to be saved? Is it at all possible that a person might know God up-close and personally? Listen in as Pastor Landis digs in to these as well as a few more in this installment of our …
Love IsThe Fruit Of Salvation
February 12, 2006 A.D. Love IsThe Fruit Of SalvationIs it possible to “see evidence” that an individual has experienced salvation? On the other hand, is it possible to “see evidence” that an individual is lost? If salvation is completely by grace and not by works, why is it that the bible always seems to be …
Tending Toward Righteousness
February 5, 2006 A.D. Tending Toward RighteousnessWhat does the Bible teach about the present life pattern of the saved? Is it possible to live in this world completely without sin? Does the commission of a sin cancel the grace of God which is in Christ Jesus? Just what did Christ Jesus do for us on the cross …
Purified By Love and Truth
January 29, 2006 A.D. Purified By Love and Truth In this lesson from our current study through the epistle of First John, Pastor Landis from the third chapter teaches us some of the properties of the love of God and how they affect those who embrace them by faith as a way of life, and …
Seal of the New Covenant
January 22, 2006 A.D. Seal of the New Covenant Are you anointed? Just what is “The anointing” anyway? How is it attained? Is it a thing to be desired? Does the Bible teach that there are levels of it to be attained? These are just a few questions Pastor Landis is teaching about in this …
The World Through The Lens Of Truth II
January 15, 2006 A.D. The World Through The Lens Of Truth II Come along and return to a crucial topical message on world view and values as Pastor: Landis continues with this crucial topic which he began on last LORD’s Day. Come and learn what the Holy Scriptures teach about how we as the redeemed …
The World Through The Lens Of Truth
January 8, 2006 A.D. The World Through The Lens Of Truth As we return from our special series of holiday messages, Pastor Landis now re-enters the fascinating epistle of First John beginning where we left off prior to the Christmas / New-year celebration at chapter 2:15. Come along and hear the word as our teacher …