August 6, 2006 A.D. Affected By The WORD How does one go about understanding the parables taught by Jesus? Is there a particular thing that they have in common? Listen in as Pastor: Landis unwraps a few thoughts from our current study in the Gospel of St. Mark called: “Affected By The WORD” Old Testament …
Responding To The Mystery
July 23, 2006 A.D. Responding To The Mystery One of Jesus’ best methods of teaching spiritual truths to His disciples was by means of parabolic proclamation, that is, teaching by parables. Have you ever wondered why Jesus chose this form of teaching and of just what benefit it has? If it is a good form …
Walking With Jesus Against The Tide
July 16, 2006 A.D. Walking With Jesus Against The Tide Have you ever been considered fanatical or strange because you speak of Jesus, the bible, or the Holy Spirit, or some other doctrine or issue from a biblical view-point? Have you ever been confronted by anyone who denies what the Scriptures teach about salvation, the …
Doing Good Being Misunderstood
July 9, 2006 A.D. Doing Good Being Misunderstood When you set out to do good deeds have you ever been met with opposition? Or perhaps the opposition was from within yourself and you may have been thinking to yourself: “Who do I think I am attempting to do this?” Or have you ever had a …
Calling Sinners To Repentance
July 2, 2006 A.D. Calling Sinners To Repentance What role does repentance play in the message of the receipt of the gospel? Who needs to repent and just what is repentance anyway? Since Jesus was doing miracles that produced great popularity for Him and His disciples, was it for this cause that He came into …
Benefits of Access to Christ
June 25, 2006 A.D. Benefits of Access to Christ In primitive New Testament times when Jesus had come into the world; being God dwelling among us, the demand to be near Him was tremendous as we have seen thus far in our continuing study in the gospel of Saint Mark for many reasons. After all, …
Fathered for Glory
June 18, 2006 A.D. Fathered for Glory How was your relationship to your father? Some will say great, others not so good, and even others may never even have known their fathers at all. In either case: How should Christians view their relationships with their fathers? Should a bad relationship with an earthly father impair …
Preaching The Right Good News
June 11, 2006 A.D. Preaching The Right Good News Why do you think Jesus did not always allow the demons to speak that He was casting out? Or why did He on many occasions tell people He had healed to keep it to themselves and go do what the Law of Moses commanded concerning their …
Seeking Christ for the Right Reason
June 4, 2006 A.D. Seeking Christ for the Right Reason Can God still heal sickness and disease today as He did in times past? Is there still present in the Church such a thing as a “Gift of Healing”? Is there any other reason taught in the Bible for the miracles that were done in …
Kingdom Authority
May 28, 2006 A.D. Kingdom Authority What should we think about the boldness and authority of the teachings and miracles performed by Jesus The Messiah, as revealed in the Bible, God’s Holy and inerrant Word? Are such signs as casting out demons, or unclean spirits to be ignored? Or what about the healing of all …