October 15, 2006 A.D. Building Our Trust in God Everyday life for most is a constant barrage of events containing ups and downs and even difficulty, heartaches and pain as well that seemingly goes on and on like a river. How well do we cope with these situations and is there a way to have …
Jesus Will Make A Way
October 8, 2006 A.D. Jesus Will Make A Way When you have a need have you ever wondered what the solution would be? How it would be met even when it seemed that there was no way? So have I. Listen in today and learn a biblical perspective on this vital topic form the gospel …
When Kingdoms Collide
October 1, 2006 A.D. When Kingdoms Collide There are always great difficulties when there exists a difference of ideology in a culture or when there is a conflict of allegiance among the peoples, especially in a non-democratic society. Much more is this so when you include conflict over religion and moral principal as we are …
Called To Succeed
September 24, 2006 A.D. Called To Succeed Many great things that exist in the world started from humble beginnings. Listen in today as we continue on our study in the gospel of Saint Mark chapter six, as Pastor Landis Fisher teaches on our LORD’s choice of twelve ordinary men who have affected the world in …
The Ministry of the Twelve
September 17, 2006 A.D. The Ministry of the Twelve In the text for our lesson today in the Gospel of Saint Mark chapter six, it is obvious that there is a stark difference between believers and unbelievers as far as what benefit faith in Christ has for those who do truly believe. As Jesus sends …
Faith In The Written Word
September 10, 2006 A.D. Faith In The Written Word We at Straight Gate Ministries are adherents to the doctrine known as “SOLA Scriptura” which means: “By the Scriptures ALONE”. This simply means that we believe that the Holy Bible is a complete volume of sixty-six books which are “breathed by The Spirit of GOD”, and …
Sufficient Power For You Too
September 3, 2006 A.D. Sufficient Power For You Too What do you do when there is a situation in your life that appears hopeless, or overwhelming, or just plain old difficult to understand? Have you ever found yourself thinking: “What else can go wrong now?” Can I ever get a bit of relief? Just how well do …
Sharing The Blessing
August 27, 2006 A.D. Sharing The Blessing Whatever became of the demons mentioned repeatedly in the Bible? Have they just disappeared? Or do they still exist? If so, is there any reason that a believer in Jesus Christ should be fearful about becoming “possessed”? What is an appropriate reaction when the LORD by His grace …
The Enigma of the Humanity of Messiah
August 20, 2006 A.D. The Enigma of the Humanity of Messiah Some of the very most often misunderstood questions concerning Jesus the Messiah are: How can He be God and man? Wasn’t He just a good man? Wasn’t He just a prophet, a messenger speaking for God like Moses, Isaiah, or Jeremiah and the rest? …
Cultivating Seeds Of Righteousness
August 13, 2006 A.D. Cultivating Seeds Of RighteousnessOn last LORD’s Day, we learned that Jesus taught His disciples the parable of the sower as the key to acquiring understanding from all parables, which is an essential element in coming to understanding of the knowledge of His Kingdom. This week we shall continue to examine …