May 13, 2007 A.D. Please check back with us later today for the audio sermon. The audio sermon for this Sunday will be uploaded after it is recorded, usually sometime later this afternoon. Thank God For Mothers Pastor Landis Fisher and the official staff of Straight Gate Ministries would like to say to all mothers …
Expectation Prayer and Faith
May 6, 2007 A.D. Expectation Prayer and Faith What is the deal with “name it and claim it?” or “Speaking things into existence?” or “Calling things that are not as though they were?” These are some common terms that are circulated and taught within Christian circles, therefore, what is right about these things and just …
Visitation of the King of Glory
April 29, 2007 A.D. Visitation of the King of Glory Truly the political landscape of the world is as restless as the sea and offers no real solutions for the serious needs of the world. Kings and kingdoms rise and fall, situations, wars and catastrophes continue and the prospect of success is often thwarted by …
Seeing the Glory of God
April 22, 2007 A.D. Seeing the Glory of God Is there a way to live this life better? Surly there is. What about how we perceive the things of the world? Listen in today and learn what insight the Bible has to offer on this vital topic as our pastor / teacher Landis Fisher provides …
Executing Your Position in the Kingdom
April 15, 2007 A.D. Executing Your Position in the Kingdom Just what value have you placed on the importance of the Kingdom of God? Is there any way to determine on Earth just what we should be doing for God, Christ and the Church? If so, how may we know and just what is the …
Thank God Jesus is Risen
April 8, 2007 A.D. Thank God Jesus is Risen On this day on the Christian calendar believers the world round celebrate the greatest miracle of all time; the resurrection of Jesus the Son of the living God. Today Pastor Fisher has elected to preach a sermon just for this occasion he has called: “Thank God …
Redemption by the Blood of Christ
April 1, 2007 A.D. Redemption by the Blood of Christ In times like we live in, there is a tremendous need to have something that is sure and trustworthy to hold on to while the winds of the world blow confusion into our hectic lives. The Apostle Paul instructed the Ephesians not to be children, …
The Passover Ratified
March 25, 2007 A.D. The Passover Ratified Did you realize that the feast that is known as “The Last Supper” was conducted in obedience to the Law of Moses based on God’s command, which is found in the Scriptures in the book of Exodus? Likewise, the current day Passover Seder observed in Judaism still looks …
Sacrificing for the Kingdom of God
March 11, 2007 A.D. Sacrificing for the Kingdom of God Have you heard the old cliché in our culture: “Put your money where your mouth is” or “Put up or shut up” These sayings are often used to prompt a financial action to be applied to a real problem or situation in life. It has …
Sewing With Camels
March 4, 2007 A.D. Sewing With Camels God has ordained that money and material possessions are an essential for normal life. Jesus also teaches that the “love of money” is the root of ALL Evil! So, just how is a Christian to think about money, since it is a required thing for everyday life? In …