Learning From The Tree

July 29, 2007  A.D. Learning From The Tree What does the Bible have to say about the future of Israel according to the flesh? Some today say: “Nothing!” Some say “Plenty”. How must the church judge these contrary ideas? Well, as we continue our study through the Gospel of Saint Mark in the thirteenth chapter, …

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Clear To Partly Cloudy

July 22, 2007  A.D. Clear To Partly Cloudy How often have we heard a weather forecast that produced disappointment since it was not even close to what really happened? Similarly, what effect should the multitude of prophecies about the return of Messiah, right or wrong have on each of us? Is there a particular motivation …

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Preparation for Tribulation

July 15, 2007  A.D. Preparation for Tribulation The sales of many books on end-time prophecy are at an all time high, and many are those who have written with much detail just what can be expected as a course of events leading the world to the end. Just what should Christians do about these things …

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Take Heed Lest Any Man Deceive You

July 8, 2007  A.D. Take Heed Lest Any Man Deceive You Is it true that some Older Testament Scriptures had a present and future fulfillment? If so, is it possible for this also to be the case for New Testament passages as well? This very topic has become a source of debate in recent days …

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Seeing Things God’s Way

June 24, 2007  A.D. Seeing Things God’s Way Have you heard these sayings? “You can’t judge a book by it’s cover” ; or “Beauty’s  only skin deep”?  These common sayings express the fact that there is more beneath the surface in each case than what can be known at a glance. In our lesson today, …

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The Father The Son and You

June 17, 2007  A.D. The Father The Son and You Pastor Fisher and His family and official staff of Straight Gate Ministries would like to extend a most heartfelt Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers today. In honor of this occasion our lesson in Mark’s Gospel just happens to fall right on an appropriate …

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The Measure of Christian Growth

June 10, 2007  A.D. The Measure of Christian Growth Is there a standard and a goal of life as a Christian? If so, just what is it?   Well open your bible take a few notes and listen in today as we return to our ongoing study through the gospel of Mark in chapter twelve …

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A Biblical Perspective On Religion and Politics

June 3, 2007  A.D. A Biblical Perspective On Religion and Politics What is a proper position for Christians to take in regard to government and politics? What about other hot topics such as Church and State? Is there any word from God in the bible on this? Just what are the “Things of God” spoken …

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Overcoming Fruitless Religion

May 27, 2007  A.D. Overcoming Fruitless Religion What are the standards by which we measure success in our lives? Many say wealth and some say possessions, or even others a combination of the two. What about our spiritual life? Is God expecting anything as a product of our lives? Well open your bible take a …

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Truly Forgiven

May 20, 2007  A.D. Truly Forgiven If someone were to ask you what is the principal factor of the Christian faith, how would you respond? What is the best medicine for guilt and can it be shared with anyone else? Well open your bible take a few notes and listen in today as we return …

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