April 4, 2010 A.D. Walking In Resurrection Power Happy Passover from Pastor Landis Fisher and Straight Gate Minsitries and the Dickerson Memorial Community Church. Why have so many failed to believe the Biblical Doctrine of the Resurrection of the dead? Is it an optional belief that we should just cast aside? Or is it a …
Accepted In The Community
March 28, 2010 A.D. Accepted In The CommunityIn our troubled times, many of the foundations that have been laid from the very beginning by God are continuously being attacked and under mined by the enemies of God. This is why people in this fallen world system are working hard to re-define what a “family” is, …
Succeeding In Spite Of Truth Decay
March 7, 2010 A.D. Succeeding In Spite Of Truth DecayWhy is there so much controversy and misunderstanding in the world? Even within the so called “Churches of God”? Why is it so easy for people to be misled? How can a person know if they are being “misled”? If there is so much confusion, Just …
Who Do You Say JESUS Is
February 14, 2010 A.D. Who Do You Say JESUS IsThere are some areas within Christendom and Biblical intrepretation that allow some space for some disagreement among Christians. The diety of Jesus Christ is certainly not one of them. A failure to know for certain Who Jesus Christ is; that is to accept His equality with …
Relief From The Rat Race of False Religion
February 7, 2010 A.D. Relief From The Rat Race of False ReligionGreetings in Christ Jesus! Why is there such a great number of false prophets in the world and even in the visible church? Why do false religions seem to prosper and deceive multitudes? What is God doing about all this? How can true seekers …
Missing Messiah
January 10, 2010 A.D. Missing MessiahFor the start of the new decade our focus should be on learning to glorify God in all things in that He is the One who has sent His Only begotten Son to reconcile the world to Himself. Listen in as Pastor Landis Fisher teaches a message to charge our …
Proclaimed In Baptism
January 3, 2010 A.D. Proclaimed In Baptism Ever wonder about why it is that Jesus refered to John The Baptist as the greatest man born of a woman? Listen in today as Pastor Landis Fisher teaches a Sunday School Lesson on this interesting topic at the Dickerson Memorial Community Church which is called: “Proclaimed In …
Centering Our Lives On Christ
December 31, 2009 A.D. Centering Our Lives On Christ Happy New Year to all! As we close out another year and approach another, let us examine where we are spiritually in our walk with Christ Jesus. Listen as we join in to a special New Year’s session as Pastor Fisher exhorts us to “Center Our …
Remembering The Best Thing In Life
December 13, 2009 A.D. Remembering The Best Thing In Life Greetings to all present and online, This lesson is part two of a previous message began by our teacher, Pastor Landis Fisher, a while back titled: “Remembering That Which Is Most Important” that is available in our online archive for your review. This message …
The Lineage of King David
December 6, 2009 A.D. The Lineage of King DavidPastor Landis Fisher was teaching some fascinating facts from the book of Ruth and explaining how it connects to the birth of Jesus Christ, the Messiah and also shows the connection between the list of names in the Gospel of Matthew which may seem boring …