August 24, 2014 A.D. An Appeal For Reconciliation Reconciliation is a deeply seated facet of the forgiveness God has provided in Christ Jesus by giving His Son as a ransom for many. Therefore, we as believers must strive to be agents of reconciliation as well just as our LORD Jesus modeled. This is many times …
Biblical Response to Government
August 20, 2014 A.D. Biblical Response to Government How are Christians supposed to respond to human governments? Does God have a perspective on this topic? Just where is the world heading with all of the ars, violence, injustices, general unrest, turmoil, strife, contention, hatred and rebellious attitudes and riotous behaviors that we see each and …
Delivering Faith Through Preaching
August 10, 2014 A.D. Delivering Faith Through Preaching Humanity is the pinnacle of God’s creation and He thought that it was so important, the He decided to become one Himself so that He could have personal involvement in it and to make redemption possible by His Son’s shed blood on the cross, and then to …
Submitting to God’s Righteousness
August 3, 2014 A.D. Submitting to God’s Righteousness The keeping of “Law” has never been done to perfection by mankind even from the days of Adam up until this very second. What this means in brief , is that all who have been declared “Righteous” by God received that status by grace alone, not by …
Thinking Out of the Box
July 30, 2014 A.D. Thinking Out of the BoxHow should we view the doctrine of the resurrection? Just how essential is this teaching? Does the fact of resurrection have an effect on how we think about everyday life? Listen in on a mid-week Bible study revealing some powerful ways to think about this doctrine that …
Zeal for the Real
July 27, 2014 A.D. Zeal for the Real Judaism having been God’s vehicle to deliver THE NEED FOR “Salvation” to all mankind often nurtured “Zeal for God” into them which practiced it, but many times was misunderstood with respect to the real picture, that is that God requires PERFECTION that could not be produced by …
Jesus Rock or Stumbling Block
July 20, 2014 A.D. Jesus Rock or Stumbling Block AS we come to the end of Romans, the Apsotle Paul concludes with prophecy from Isaiah, which is revealing what type of way we deal with the reality of the first advent of Christ. Listen today as our Pastor / teacher Landis Fisher asks a question …
Pliable In The Master’s Hands
July 13, 2014 A.D. Pliable In The Master’s HandsGod has stated that it is His desire to save all nations from the evil seed of sin. Even though it is through His chosen people, Israel (the Jews) it is not only them who are the objects of His affection. Listen in as we receive more …
Choose Mercy Now
July 6, 2014 A.D. Choose Mercy Now Since God is Love, is it possible for God to hate? What does it mean for people if the ones who are saved are the ones that God elects? These are deep questions that are the topic of our message today from the book of Romans chapter 9, …
Elected For Service
June 29, 2014 A.D. Elected For ServiceOne of the most contesed and misunderstood teachings in the Church today is the doctrine of predestination or the doctrine of election, eventhough it is very clearly taught in many ways in the Bible. Why is this a problem for many?What are the implications of this doctrine if it …