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In our previous message " Fighting The Good Fight Of Faith" we learned that living in the world of unbelievers comes with many challenges; but we as the body…
In our previous message "Who Are Kept", we began to understand how God calls the fallen sinner to Himself in order to bestow upon him "unmerited favor" which leads…
Who Are Kept In our previous message “Prayer Praise Progress Power Peace” we began to study the path of how we got saved through the hearing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ;… Prayer Praise Progress Power PeaceIn our previous message ” Cultivating The Knowledge Of The Past Into Blessings For The Future” we studied how we can learn from all the events of our past;… Cultivating The Knowledge Of The Past Into Blessings For ImprovementAs we have come to the close of another year, let us consider one more crucial spiritual idea. Join us at noon as Pastor Landis Fisher explores the final message of 2024 AD. The Birth Of LifeIn our previous message “Magnitude Of The Coming Of Christ” we learned how Jesus Christ affects everything, and everyone in the human family, with eternal consequences! Today’s message for Christmas Sunday… Christmas Hope In our previous message “Magnitude Of The Coming Of Christ” we learned how the coming of Jesus Christ has made a global effect on all people bringing them all… The Outcome Of ChristmasIn our previous message “Being Willfully Thankful” we discovered that we have more to be thankful about than we often realize! Today’s message will help us realize what God was… Being Willfully ThankfulIn our previous message “Walking The Lighted Path” it was discovered how God through His Son Jesus has provided a potential blessing to all who believe in Christ Jesus! During… Walking The Lighted PathIn our previous message “What Am I Going To Do?” we concluded that no matter how things appear in this life, we are determined not to lose our God-given focus… What Am I Going To Do“Developing Our Perspective of Faith In Jesus Christ” In our previous message “Choosing To Walk By Faith” We discovered that God has laid out His decree for the lives of… Choosing To Walk By FaithIn our previous message we learned that there’s a difference between the mindset of God’s children and those of the devil. Today, let us consider what the Bible teaches about… |