Receiving From the Spirit

November 26, 2006  A.D.

Receiving From the Spirit

Did you know that the Scriptures teach that God is really the Only True Seeker? Have you ever experienced something in a spiritual teaching and you did not truly get the point? Or perhaps you understood the message but somehow were not able to apply what it taught? Did you know that as a disciple of Jesus The Messiah that there are special provisions promised to you from God Himself?  Well, listen in as Straight Gate Ministries’ Pastor Fisher teaches a lesson called: “Receiving From the Spirit”   

Old Testament Scripture Reading: Psalms 14:1 – 7  (KJV)

Psalms 14:1  To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.

Psa 14:2  The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God.

Psa 14:3  They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one.

Psa 14:4  Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge? who eat up my people as they eat bread, and call not upon the LORD.

Psa 14:5  There were they in great fear: for God is in the generation of the righteous.

Psa 14:6  Ye have shamed the counsel of the poor, because the LORD is his refuge.

Psa 14:7  Oh that the salvation of Israel were come out of Zion! when the LORD bringeth back the captivity of his people, Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel shall be glad.

New Testament Scripture Reading: Mark 8:10 – 21  (KJV)
Mark 8:10  And straightway he entered into a ship with his disciples, and came into the parts of Dalmanutha.
Mark 8:11  And the Pharisees came forth, and began to question with him, seeking of him a sign from heaven, tempting him.
Mark 8:12  And he sighed deeply in his spirit, and saith, Why doth this generation seek after a sign? verily I say unto you, There shall no sign be given unto this generation.
Mark 8:13  And he left them, and entering into the ship again departed to the other side.
Mark 8:14  Now the disciples had forgotten to take bread, neither had they in the ship with them more than one loaf.
Mark 8:15  And he charged them, saying, Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod.
Mark 8:16  And they reasoned among themselves, saying, It is because we have no bread.
Mark 8:17  And when Jesus knew it, he saith unto them, Why reason ye, because ye have no bread? perceive ye not yet, neither understand? have ye your heart yet hardened?
Mark 8:18  Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not remember?
Mark 8:19  When I brake the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? They say unto him, Twelve.
Mark 8:20  And when the seven among four thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? And they said, Seven.
Mark 8:21  And he said unto them, How is it that ye do not understand?
Transforming Power Statements:

#1) To Unbelievers: It is necessary to trust God first in order to ever receive any understanding at all. One must first believe that God Is; and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Heb 11:6)
#2) To stagnated believers: Making a decision to walk by the Spirit; (which means to obey the Word not the will of the flesh) and to keep the fire of your relationship kindled afresh.
#3) To on fire believers seeking more depth in Christ: Continue to walk in the Spirit in spite of the persecution that results from it and rejoicing in the blessings of the LORD as He bears you up and advances you even in the presence of your enemies.
