Transforming Power Statements:
1) Ever since the fall of Adam into sin, God has required a mediator of some sort to maintain a ‘buffer’ between unholy sin and Holy God; therefore, God established an acceptable system in time which is known as the ‘priesthood’ which provided an acceptable approach to God on terms selected by Him; and it has always been available to all who believe who desire to be in reconciliation with God.
2) Unknowing and or ‘self-sufficient’ people have often corrupted this concept established by God and became establishers of false religious systems, some of which are present today; rather than realizing that God has established and provided an acceptable means to approach Him; and that it is His desire to mend everyone’s relationship with Him, but that it must be on His terms.
3) Christ Jesus is the perfect High Priest after the order of Melchizedek; and has ordained that all who trust in Him are a kingdom of priests and kings unto His God and are sent out on a mission of reconciliation to all the people in the world to proclaim His forgiveness, mercy and grace as the means of salvation.