Mission Statement

TeachingBible.org is a website outreach provided by Straight Gate Ministries. Straight Gate Ministries has partnered with St. Timothy Christian Church in order to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to advance the Kingdom of God.

Straight Gate Ministries has been organized for the purpose of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the teaching and application of the Word of God to the masses as Jesus the Messiah has commanded. It is our vision to see the lives of all improved who lack the knowledge of the Word of God and it’s applications. We endeavor to be an agency of assistance and networking, who will connect the people who have needs with the people who have resources for the benefit of both groups and the general community at large. It is our goal to see true life changing correction & or instruction be administered to unskilled, under-developed, & broken or misguided individuals.

Straight Gate Ministries will endeavor to provide an atmosphere in which the sharing of personal accomplishments and previous pitfalls of solvent citizens can be understood in many of life’s venues for the purpose of teaching the paths to improvement and success in secular life which is under-girded by true faith in Jesus Christ and the power of the living God.

Straight Gate Ministries will network with other existing ministries and para-church organizations, and the Department of Corrections, Probation and Parole & any other such institutions, as a source of primary input. We will also promote public participation with emphasis on outreach to youth, the homeless, unemployed, or under-employed.

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