Living Toward the Future in Hope


Living Toward the Future in Hope!

Php 3:13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,

Php 3:14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.


As we have come to the close of 2016 A.D. let us take a spiritual inventory and access where we are, examining how we got here and where we are heading; as well as how we shall get there and finally what the outcome will be as we continue on our way toward Christ-likeness
  1. Analyze where you are right now. 2) Realize how you got here, 3) Conceptualize what God has done already and what He said He is going to do (for you). 4.) Maximize everything that is right, all that you are entitled to in Christ Jesus, and press into it with all your might as with blinders to the world the flesh and the devil; with your eyes fixed on “THE PRIZE” of the high upward call in Christ Jesus!
  2. When you close out 2016 A.D. as with any previous period of history, know that our God ever abides outside of time bet came into time to manifest His love in Christ Jesus, having become a priest forever in order to maintain His eternal love for mankind by His grace alone!
  3. Move with total confidence into 2017 A.D. knowing that you are loved, the enemies of God are defeated, and your movement into richer blessings are guaranteed in spite of every obstacle because of the Hope God has laid up for you in Jesus Christ!
Please share the Good News!