Category: Weekly Sermons

Redemption by the Blood of Christ

April 1, 2007  A.D. Redemption by the Blood of Christ In times like we live in, there is a tremendous need to have something that is sure and trustworthy to hold on to while the winds of the world blow confusion into our hectic lives. The Apostle Paul instructed the Ephesians not to be children, …

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The Passover Ratified

March 25, 2007  A.D. The Passover Ratified Did you realize that the feast that is known as “The Last Supper” was conducted in obedience to the Law of Moses based on God’s command, which is found in the Scriptures in the book of Exodus? Likewise, the current day Passover Seder observed in Judaism still looks …

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Sacrificing for the Kingdom of God

March 11, 2007  A.D. Sacrificing for the Kingdom of God Have you heard the old cliché in our culture: “Put your money where your mouth is” or “Put up or shut up” These sayings are often used to prompt a financial action to be applied to a real problem or situation in life. It has …

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Sewing With Camels

March 4, 2007  A.D. Sewing With Camels God has ordained that money and material possessions are an essential for normal life. Jesus also teaches that the “love of money” is the root of ALL Evil! So, just how is a Christian to think about money, since it is a required thing for everyday life? In …

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Getting Back to Child-like Faith

February 25, 2007  A.D. Getting Back to Child-like Faith What happens if we sometimes find ourselves wondering the same things about God and His Law and the Gospel as do those who do not believe? Does God mind if we ask “the hard questions” concerning faith and it’s practices and applications? Or should we just …

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Prophecy and Fulfillment of the New Covenant

March 18, 2007  A.D. < Prophecy and Fulfillment of the New Covenant Present day Christendom is an amalgamation of biblical doctrine intermixed with endless traditions from many denominational sources, which makes for a considerable amount of confusion for those who are real seekers of the truth. If you have experienced some of this confusion at …

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What God Has Joined Together

February 18, 2007  A.D. What God Has Joined Together Have you noticed how many of the basic core values of a healthy productive human society have come under attack? Such as the assault on the definition of “Marriage”; and Just what constitutes a “Family”? Have you wondered about the rise in anti-biblical concepts such as …

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Because God Said So

February 8, 2004  A.D. Because God Said So If we were to consider that the Word of God is such an awesome thing that it completely surpasses human capability in the natural, & that even when we are redeemed, there yet remains many things that we cannot explain, sometimes we must learn therefore, to simply …

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Cultivating Childlike Faith

February 4, 2007  A.D. Cultivating Childlike Faith Isn’t it funny how that as simple as the message of the gospel of our salvation is, that there are so many , even so called religious people, who still work hard at overcomplicating what God has done all by Himself in providing His Son Jesus as a …

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Helping Our Unbelief

January 28, 2007  A.D. Helping Our Unbelief Since many people profess to be Christians, is it at all possible that they all are? Given the vast differences in the ways that they live? If we are “believers” is it possible to have “more belief”? What happens if we experience failure in our walk with Christ? …

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