July 6, 2014 A.D. Choose Mercy Now Since God is Love, is it possible for God to hate? What does it mean for people if the ones who are saved are the ones that God elects? These are deep questions that are the topic of our message today from the book of Romans chapter 9, …
Category: Weekly Sermons
Elected For Service
June 29, 2014 A.D. Elected For ServiceOne of the most contesed and misunderstood teachings in the Church today is the doctrine of predestination or the doctrine of election, eventhough it is very clearly taught in many ways in the Bible. Why is this a problem for many?What are the implications of this doctrine if it …
Faith in the Promises of God
June 22, 2014 A.D. Faith in the Promises of GodJust what is it that causes an individual to be listed with one of the two groups which divide all of humanity: the Saved or the Lost? What is the “Means” by which a person can be “Saved” from the wrath and judgment of Almighty God? Are …
Love Over Sin Equals Victory
June 8, 2014 A.D. As we come to the final verses of Romans in the eighth chapter, our Pastor Teacher, Landis Fisher introduces a mathmatical equation in his message which he has titled: “Love Over Sin Equals Victory” Old Testament Scripture Reading: Genesis 22:6 – 18 (KJV) Gen 22:6 And Abraham took the wood of …
Walking With Power
June 1, 2014 A.D. Walking With Power When God calls, He also empowers! Listen in as our Pastor Landis Fisher delivers a powerful message from the epistle to the Romans in our ongoing study, which he has entitled: “Walking With Power” Old Testament Scripture Reading: Isaiah 54:13 – 17 (KJV) Isa 54:13 And all thy …
Focusing On the Future
May 25, 2014 A.D. Living in the cursed earth is a difficult thing to do and is quite challenging. In this installment in our teaching through the epistle to the Romans, Pastor Landis Fisher teaches an excellent word of spiritual encouragement in a message he has entitled: Focusing on the Future. Old Testament Scripture Reading: …
Sowing in the Spirit of Grace
May 18, 2014 A.D. Sowing in the Spirit of Grace As Pastor Landis Fisher continues through the Apostle Paul’s epistle to the Romans, in this installment he reveals an Old Testament prophecy which predicted the time when the Holy Spirit of God would again be close to mankind and available by God’s grace through His …
Mighty Mystery of Motherhood
May 11, 2014 A.D. Mighty Mystery of Motherhood In celebration of the Mothers Day, our Pastor Teacher, Landis Fisher preached an informative message about how God’s very design of women to be mothers is a great part of His plan of salvation with some powerful facts that exalt the beauty of women in general and …
Cultivating the Spiritual Mind
May 4, 2014 A.D. Cultivating the Spiritual MindAs our Pastor / Teacher Landis Fisher returns to the pulpit as Senior Pastor of the Saint Timothy M.B. Church, his preaching through the epistle to the Romans resumes at the eighth chapter where he left off in August of 2008 A.D.Why do many Christians suffer from doubt …
Preparing For The Journey
April 27, 2014 A.D. STTMBC_Preparing For the Journey Preparing For The Journey Greetings in Christ Jesus, As Pastor Fisher has been called to be the new Senior Pastor of the St. Timothy Missionary Baptist Church, he decided to start with an introductory message of encouragement to the congregation and the world picking up from where …