April 12, 2008 A.D. Following The Way of Salvation Welcome to our Teaching Bible Radio Archive! Today we go with Pastor Landis Fisher to a Salvation Army homeless shelter where he is sharing the Gospel with shelter guests to whom he explains the basics of the gospel and what God requires for those who desire …
Category: Radio Broadcast
Deepening Our Relationship With God_TBRC
April 5, 2008 A.D. Deepening Our Relationship With God_TBRC04/05/2008 A.D. In this edition of Teachingbible Radio, Pastor Landis Fisher was teaching a New Years message of how to make the coming year more effective for Christ. Learning to grow from our mistakes and through true spiritual practices like prayer, meditation on God’s Word, and gut honesty …
The Meaning of the Cross_TBRC_002
March 29, 2008 A.D. The Meaning of the Cross_TBRC_002Greetings and welcome to Teaching Bible Radio! In this installment of Teachingbible Radio we are featuring an excerpt from a prison service in which Pastor Landis Fisher had opportunity to share with the inmates in a Missouri Prison the life-transforming message of the gospel of Jesus Christ …
Understanding Doctrines of the Church
March 22, 2008 A.D. Understanding Doctrines of the Church How did the church develop so many doctrines that are contrary to what is clearly written in the Holy Scriptures? Should we accept these things that are in obvious violation with the clear truth which is written in the Word? God says NO, Jesus says NO, …
Power Over The Grip Of Sin_TBR_000
March 15, 2008 A.D. Power Over The Grip Of Sin_TBR_000Welcome to all our new listeners! We love you and pray that God is showing Himself powerful in your lives! This is the first installment on our new radio broadcast being featured in seven cities starting today! Listen as Pastor Landis Fisher conducts a teaching from …
The One Gospel For Every Soul
October 16, 2005 A.D. The One Gospel For Every Soul This message was broadcast live on October 15, 2005 AD on “Love Radio Ministry”. In it, Pastor: Landis preaches about the One Gospel sent by God for all people every where. Listen and learn the infinite beauties of knowing , The Messiah ” Who is …
An Interview With Minister Derrick Byrd; Gospel Singer
September 24, 2005 A.D. An Interview With Minister Derrick Byrd; Gospel SingerPastor Landis had a special guest in the KSTL AM 690 studio for an interview in the person of Minister Derrick Byrd, who has produced a classic gospel CD: “Expressions Of Praise Presents: Minister Derrick Byrd” Listen in and hear excerpts from this CD …
Just Beyond The Resurrection
July 16, 2005 A.D. Just Beyond The ResurrectionThe resurrection of Jesus The Messiah is one of the most powerful aspects of the salvation that God has provided to be beheld by those who love Him. Truly the first advent of The Christ was the most glorious event that has ever transpired since the very creation …
Behold How God Loves Us!
July 2, 2005 A.D. Behold How God Loves Us!On July 2, 2005 AD, Pastor Landis taught on the radio on 690 KSTL about the asto ishing fact that the Apostle John had written about in his epistle in 1 John 3:1, telling us to behold what manner of love the Father had bestowed upon us …