Transforming Power Statements:
1) Two opposing views divide the entire population of the world into one of two groups, and was caused to be this way due to the contamination of sin introduced by satan; and is driving the divide and all people fall into one category or the other, either by choice or default.
2) Ever since the first transgression, God chose to defend mankind and provided mercy and salvation by way of the priestly presentation of an acceptable sacrifice, which He made available so that the ones who choose His mercy can belong to the group known as the “Godly / righteous”, rather than the ones who choose any other means to handle their sin issue; thus becoming known as the “ungodly / wicked”.
3) Both the Psalmist King David, and Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Son of King David, according to the flesh, teach of the opposite nature of the ones who believe God and walk with Him according to His Word vs. the ones who deny God and walk according to the course of the world, the flesh and the devil.
4) The Church are the called out ones, who have been set apart by God to instruct the World in the Word, which is the absolute truth of God to make plain what God has said on every subject, and to reveal to the ones who have ears to hear all that the Spirit saith to the Churches, even though all this will be done against the world’s way, who will in turn persecute all who oppose them.