Author's posts
Progress in the Things of God
September 26, 2004 A.D. Progress in the Things of God In this lesson Pastor Landis teaches some transforming power statements that the saints should often bring to mind that will assist us in an ever growing relationship with God the Father through His Only Begotten Son Jesus. Listen and learn a few things that will …
Turning Aspiration Into Inspiration
September 19, 2004 A.D. Turning Aspiration Into Inspiration This message from Pastor Landis teaches us how to progress more deeply into our ever growing understanding & fellowship with the risen Son of God and the type of attitude we may develop or cultivate to continue to experience growth in our Christian lives. Old Testament Scripture …
Developing Intimacy With Christ
September 12, 2004 A.D. Developing Intimacy With Christ In our last two messages in a series called: “Aquiring the Mind of the Spirit part’s I & II” Pastor Landis began to teach on the operations of the Holy Spirit and His relationship to God the Father and God the Son as well as to the …
Acquiring the Mind of the Spirit {Part 2}
September 5, 2004 A.D. Acquiring the Mind of the Spirit {Part 2} This is the second installment of the message from last week “Acquiring the Mind of The Spirit” in which Pastor: Landis began to teach some basic principals of spiritual understanding. Listen to part 2 & learn more on how to accelerate your ability …
Acquiring the Mind of the Spirit
August 29, 2004 A.D. In this message, Pastor Landis teaches the basic reasons for difficulties in developing spiritual properties and offers solutions to aid those who desire a closer walk with the LORD to be able to begin to see growth as they walk in the Spirit. Old Testament Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 6:8 – 18 …
Acquiring the Mind of the Spirit
August 29, 2004 A.D. Acquiring the Mind of the Spirit In this message, Pastor Landis teaches the basic reasons for difficulties in developing spiritual properties and offers solutions to aid those who desire a closer walk with the LORD to be able to begin to see growth as they walk in the Spirit. Old Testament …
The Quest of the Holy Spirit
August 22, 2004 A.D. The Quest of the Holy SpiritIn this message, Pastor Landis explains in brief some amazing facts about the ministry of the Holy Spirit that are not widely taught in the Church but are great features of the Spirit of God that are revealed in Scripture. Listen and learn about the Quest …
The Christ vs The Antichrist
August 15, 2004 A.D. 15 The Christ vs The Antichrist The Bible teaches that there are only two roads in this life and all are on one or the other. Listen as Pastor Landis teaches on this vital lesson from our LORD Jesus and learn about God’s teaching of how one is made righteous in …
The Rise of the AntiChrist
August 8, 2004 A.D. The Rise of the AntiChrist In this lesson, Pastor Landis teaches about the signs of the coming world ruler known as the antichrist.Listen & learn what the Word says on this vital topic & how it relates to the times in which we live. Old Testament Scripture Reading: Daniel 11:30 – …
The Believers Victory
August 1, 2004 A.D. The Believers Victory In this message, Pastor Landis teaches on the essential fact that only faith in Jesus the Messiah can deliver us from the wrath of God which is soon to be poured out on those who choose to believe and fall into the philosophies of the world rather that …